| Count= 1217 | | | | | | | | | | |
|  | Statewide Wolf Report 2020 | Statewide Wolf Report 2020 | Katie Oelrich | Katie Oelrich | Wolf | Statewide | Wolf, wolves, canis lupus, woof | 1/1/2024 | 1597 KB
| 4/23/2024 3:53 PM |
|  | FinalReport_ModelingElkParturitionHabitat | Elk Parturition Habitat in Idaho | Jon Horne & Mark Hurley | Jon Horne & Mark Hurley | Elk | Statewide | The goal of this report is to describe a completed research project for predicting parturition habitat of elk in Idaho; and to provide managers with the results (GIS layers) from this analysis. | 12/13/2023 | 2527 KB
| 12/13/2023 1:57 PM |
|  | Thompson et al. 2022 IDFG Report Camera-based estimation of statewide wolf abundance in Idaho | Camera Based Estimation of Statewide Wolf Abundance in Idaho 2019-2021 | Sarah Thompson | Sarah Thompson, Mark Hurley, Shane Roberts, Paul Lukacs, Brendan Oates, Matt Mumma | Wolf | Statewide | Camera Based Estimation of Statewide Wolf Abundance in Idaho | 3/3/2023 | 1283 KB
| 3/2/2023 3:10 PM |
|  | rprt_idfg_Crowding_2021_PRIMARY_V01 | Preliminary Report on the Idaho Resident Elk and Deer General Season | Kenneth E. Wallen | Jon Rachael, Rick Ward, Mark Hurly, Erin Roche, Summer Crea, Matt Pieron | Elk and Deer | Statewide | | 12/19/2022 | 4661 KB
| 12/19/2022 9:07 AM |
|  | rprt_idfg_Crowding_2020_PRIMARY_V01 | Preliminary Report on the Idaho Resident Elk and Deer General Seasons 2020 | Kenneth E. Wallen | Mark Hurley, Jon Rachael, Rick Ward, Erin Roche, Summer Crea, Matt Pieron, Natalie T. Redmond | Elk and Deer | Statewide | | 12/19/2022 | 4871 KB
| 12/19/2022 9:10 AM |
|  | CascadeReservoir Grebe report 2004-2021_final | Aechmophorus Grebe Monitoring on Cascade Reservoir, Idaho | Diane Evans Mack | Diane Evans Mack, Betsy Wagner | Aechmophorus Grebe Western Grebes | Cascade Resevoir, Idaho | Western Grebes | 5/23/2022 | 934 KB
| 5/23/2022 12:04 PM |
|  | NIDGS 2021 Annual Report_fnl | Long-Term population monitoring of north Idaho ground squirrel | Diane Evans Mack | Diane Evans Mack, Betsy Wagner | North Idaho Ground Squirrel | Idaho | Long Term monitoring North Idaho Ground Squirrel | 2/18/2022 | 1337 KB
| 2/18/2022 12:14 PM |
|  | Western States Wolverine Camera Survey_Idaho results_fnl 121918 | Western States Wolverine Conservation Project Baseline Camera Survey 2016-2017 | Diane Evans Mack | Diane Evans Mack | Wolverine | Idaho | Wolverine Conservation Project | 2/18/2022 | 2420 KB
| 2/18/2022 12:18 PM |
|  | Wolverine Camera Survey_Lemhi Lost_fnl 123119 | Wolverine Camera Survey in the Lemhi and Lost River Mountains 2017-2018 | Diane Evans Mack | Diane Evans Mack | Wolverine | Lemhi and Lost River Mountains | Wolverine Camera Survey | 2/18/2022 | 2756 KB
| 2/18/2022 12:20 PM |
|  | Wolverine Camera Survey_Salmon River Mtns 2020-21_fnl | Wolverine Persistence in an Idaho Core Population Area | Diane Evans Mack | Diane Evans Mack, Eric Hagen | Wolverine | Idaho | Wolverine Persistence | 2/18/2022 | 1530 KB
| 2/18/2022 12:24 PM |
|  | PEREGRINE REPORT 2021 | Idaho Peregrine Falcon Survey and Next Monitoring 2021 Report | Colleen Moulton | We wish to thank the following for their important contributions to this work: staff at the Amalgamated Sugar Company; and IDFG personnel, Kylie Brunette, Samuel DeGrey, David Dressel, Eric Freeman, Jason Husseman, Diane Evans Mack, Casey McCormack, Sar | Peregrine Falcon | Idaho | Idaho Peregrine Falcon Survey and Nest Monitoring | 1/31/2022 | 921 KB
| 2/8/2022 11:46 AM |
|  | IDFG Hunter Crowding 2019 | Preliminary Report on the Idaho Elk and Deer General Seasons 2019 | Kenneth E Wallen | Natalie T Redmond, Mark Hurley, Jon Rachael, Rick Ward, Erin Roche, Summer Crea, Matt Pieron, Daryl Meints | Elk and Deer | Statewide | Hunter Crowding | 11/8/2021 | 5327 KB
| 11/8/2021 8:15 AM |
|  | Idaho Mule Deer Hunter Survey 2017 | Idaho Mule Deer Hunter Survey Statewide and Regional Results | State Wildlife Manager | State Wildlife Manager and Regional Wildlife Managers | Mule Deer | Statewide | Mule Deer Hunter Survey 2018 | 11/8/2021 | 4254 KB
| 11/8/2021 8:21 AM |
|  | Idaho White-tailed Deer Hunter Survey 2018 | Idaho White-Tailed Deer Hunter Survey Statewide Results 2018 | State Wildlife Manager | State Wildlife Manager and Regional Wildlife Managers | White tailed Deer | Statewide | White Tailed deer hunter survey 2018 | 11/8/2021 | 2502 KB
| 11/8/2021 8:36 AM |
|  | SageGrouse_2021TriggersAnalysis_Final | 2021 Sage-grouse Population Triggers Analysis | Ann Moser | | Sage-grouse | Idaho | Sage-grouse, triggers analysis | 8/12/2021 | 1537 KB
| 1/13/2022 10:18 AM |
|  | Migratory Birds Statewide FY2020 | Migratory Birds Fall and Winter Surveys, Production, and Harvest | Jeffrey M. Knetter | Micah Ellstrom, Clay Hickey, Ryan Walrath, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Dennis Newman, David Smith | Migratory Birds | Statewide | Migratory Birds Fall and Winter Surveys Sept 2019 - March 2020 | 8/3/2021 | 1956 KB
| 1/12/2022 8:47 AM |
|  | Mountain Lion Statewide HS2019(FY20) | Mountain Lion Statewide 2019 to 2020 | Katie Oelrich | Micah Ellstrom, Clay Hickey, Regan Berkley, Rick Ward, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Erin Roche, Summer Crea, David Smith, Debbie Hribik | Mountain Lion | Statewide | Mountain Lion | 2/12/2021 | 3649 KB
| 1/12/2022 9:57 AM |
|  | Mtn Goat Statewide FY2019 | Mtn Goat Statewide FY2019 | Hollie Miyasaki | Hollie Miyasaki, Micah Ellstrom, Clay Hickey, Mike McDonald, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Erin Roche, Summer Crea, David Smith, Debbie Hribik, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley | Mountain Goat | Statewide | Mountain Goat | 10/28/2020 | 2087 KB
| 10/28/2020 8:59 AM |
|  | Statewide Wolf Report FY2018 | Statewide Wolf Report FY2018 | Jim Hayden | Jim Hayden, Katie Oelrich | Wolf | Statewide | Statewide Wolf Report Surveys and Inventories | 10/28/2020 | 1292 KB
| 10/28/2020 9:15 AM |
|  | Upland Game Statewide FY2018 | Upland Game Statewide FY2018 | Jeffrey M. Knetter | Jeffrey M. Knetter, Micah Elstrom, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Michelle Commons-Kemner, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Paul Atwood, Greg Painter, David Smith | Upland Game | Statewide | Statewide Upland Game | 10/28/2020 | 4611 KB
| 10/28/2020 9:20 AM |
|  | F18AF01194 Bombus (Western Bumblebee) Habitat Seed Library Final Report FY20 | Bombus (Western Bumblebee) Habitat Seed Library Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Michael Lucid | Michael Lucid, Kristina Boyd | Western Bumblee | Stevens County, Pend Oreille County, Boundry County, Bonner County Lincoln County | Bonbus (Western Bumble Bee) Habitat Seed Library | 10/28/2020 | 3383 KB
| 10/28/2020 9:37 AM |
|  | F18AF01195 Panhandle Forest Carnivores Final Report FY20 | Panhandle Forest Carnivores Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Final Performance Report | Michael Lucid | Michael Lucid | Forest Carnivores | Idaho Panhandle | Idaho Panhandle Forest Carnivores | 10/28/2020 | 1339 KB
| 10/28/2020 11:01 AM |
|  | F18AF01197 YBC Habitat Use in S ID Final Report FY20 | Yellow-billed Cuckoo Habitat Use in Southern Idaho Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Colleen Moulton | Colleen Moulton | Yellow Billed Cuckoo | Southern Idaho | Yellow Billed Cucko Habitat in Southern Idaho | 10/28/2020 | 268 KB
| 10/28/2020 11:04 AM |
|  | F18AP00483 Transboundary Amphibian Final Report FY20 | Transboundary Amphibian Conservation Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Michael Lucid | Michael Lucid | Transboundary Amphibian Conservation | Waters on the Boundary-Smith Creek Wildlife Management Area | Transboundary Amphibian Conservation | 10/28/2020 | 490 KB
| 10/28/2020 11:07 AM |
|  | F19AF00800 YBC Habitat Use in S ID Interim Report FY20 | Yellow-billed cuckoo Habitat Use in Southern Idaho Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Colleen Moulton | Colleen Moulton | Yellow Billed Cuckoo Habitat | Southern Idaho | Yellow Billed Cucko Habitat in Southern Idaho | 10/28/2020 | 268 KB
| 10/28/2020 11:17 AM |
|  | F19AF00801 NIDGS Annual Population Monitoring Final Report FY20 | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel Annual Population Monitoring Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Interim and Final Report | Diane Evans Mack | Diane Evans Mack | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel | Adams and Valley Counties | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel annual population monitoring | 10/28/2020 | 322 KB
| 10/28/2020 11:20 AM |
|  | F19AF00802 NIDGS Occupancy Modeling Final Report FY20 | NIDGS Occupancy Modeling Final Report FY20 | Diane Evans Mack | Diane Evans Mack, Sonya Knetter, Leona Svancara | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel | Adams and Valley Counties | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel Occupancy Modeling | 10/28/2020 | 797 KB
| 10/28/2020 11:23 AM |
|  | F19AF00803 NIDGS Use of Experimentally Treated Forest Interim Report FY20 | NIDGS use of Experimentally Treated Forest Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Diane Evans Mack | Diane Evans Mack | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel | Adams County | Northern Idaho Gound Squirrel Use of Experimentally Treated Forest | 10/28/2020 | 320 KB
| 10/28/2020 11:26 AM |
|  | F19AF00804 Idaho Panhandle B2B Climate Adaptation Project Final Report FY20 | Idaho Panhandle Bees to Bears Climate Adaptation Project Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Michael Lucid | Michael Lucid | Bees to Bears | Boundary-Smith Creek WMA, Boundary Co., Idaho | Idaho Panhandle Bees to Bears Climate Adaptation Project | 10/28/2020 | 651 KB
| 10/28/2020 11:30 AM |
|  | F19AF00805 Modeling Current and Future Distributions of Bombus Interim Report FY20 | Modeling Current and Future Distributions of Bombus spp. Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Leona K. Svancara | Leona K. Svancara | Modeling Current and Future Distributions of Bombus spp | Idaho | Modeling Curent and Future Distributions of Bombus spp | 10/28/2020 | 322 KB
| 10/28/2020 11:46 AM |
|  | F19AF00806 GYE Grizzly Bear Monitoring Final Report FY20 | Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Grizzly Bear Monitoring Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Jeremy Nicholson | Jeremy Nicholson | Grizzly Bear | Clark, Fremont, and Teton Counties in Idaho | Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Grizzly Bear Monitoring | 10/28/2020 | 312 KB
| 10/28/2020 11:50 AM |
|  | F19AF00807 Mapping Winter Recreation in Idaho's Wolverine Habitat Interim Report FY20 | Mapping Winter Recreation in Idaho's Wolverine Habitat Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Tempe Regan | Tempe Regan, Joel Sauder, Cory Mosby | Wolverine | Nez Perece, Clearwater, Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Salmon -Challis national forest | Mapping Winter Recreation in Idaho's Wolverine Habitat | 10/28/2020 | 750 KB
| 10/28/2020 11:59 AM |
|  | F19AF00808 Selkirk Cabinet Yaak Ecosystem Grizzly Bears Interim Report FY20 | Selkirk-Cabinet Yaak Ecosystme Grizzly Bears | Barb Moore | Barb Moore | Grizzly Bear | Boundary and Bonner Counties, Game Management Unit 1 | Selkirk-Cabinet/Yaak Ecosystem Grizzly Bears | 10/28/2020 | 296 KB
| 10/28/2020 12:02 PM |
|  | F19AF00810 Demographic Monitoring of Sentinel Wolverines Interim Report FY20 | Demographic Monitoring of Sentinel Populations of Wolverines Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Cory Mosby | Cory Mosby | Wolverine | | Demographic Monitoring of Sentinel Populations of Wolverines | 10/28/2020 | 789 KB
| 10/28/2020 12:06 PM |
|  | F19AF00854 HE Basic Enhanced Final FY20 | Final Performance Report Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education | Brenda Beckley | Brenda Beckley | | Statewide | Statewide Hunter Education Basic and Enhanced | 10/28/2020 | 312 KB
| 10/28/2020 12:08 PM |
|  | F19AF00855 Statewide HE Shooting Ranges Final FY20 | Final Performance Report Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education | Brenda Beckley | Brenda Beckley | | Statewide | Statewide Hunter Education - Shooting Ranges | 10/28/2020 | 2899 KB
| 10/28/2020 12:11 PM |
|  | F19AF00856 Statewide Wildlife Research Final Report FY20 | Final Performance Report Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education | Mark Hurley | Mark Hurley, Shane Roberts | Statewide Wildlife Research | Statewide | Wildlife Restoration | 10/28/2020 | 4497 KB
| 10/28/2020 3:34 PM |
|  | F19AF00857 Statewide Habitat Management Interim Report FY20 | Statewide Wildlife Habitat Management | Jon Beals | Norm Merz, Don Jenkins, Brad Lowe, Mark Fleming, Anna Owsiak, Rob Cavallaro, Dennis Newman, David Smith | Habitat | Statewide | Statewide Habitat Management | 10/28/2020 | 2277 KB
| 10/28/2020 3:38 PM |
|  | F19AF00858 Statewide Surveys Inventory Final Report FY20 | Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Pittman and Robertson Final Performance Report | Jon Rachael | Jon Rachael, Daryl Meints, Rick Ward, Jeffrey Knetter, Hollie Miyasaki, Katie Oelrich, Cory Mosby, Micah Ellstrom, Erin Roche, Mike Elmer, Summer Crea, David Smith, Debbie Hribik, Clay Hickey, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zack Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, | Wildlife | Statewide | Statewide Surveys & Inventory | 10/28/2020 | 429 KB
| 10/28/2020 3:40 PM |
|  | F19AF00859 MK Nature Center Final Report FY20 | Final Performance Report Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education | Victoria Runnoe | Victoria Runnoe | | MK Nature Center | MK Nature Center | 10/28/2020 | 345 KB
| 10/28/2020 3:45 PM |
|  | F19AF00860 Wildlife Health Program Final FY20 | Wildlife Health Laboratory | Tricia Hosch-Hebdon | Tricia Hosch-Hebdon, Stacey Dauwalter, Jenner Struthers, Caitlyn Bennett, Alexis Means | Wildlife | Statewide | Wildlife Health Laboratory | 10/28/2020 | 362 KB
| 10/28/2020 3:48 PM |
|  | F19AS00495 Large Tracts Public Recreation Access Interim Report FY20 | Large Tracts Public Recreational Access Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education | Sal Palazzolo | Sal Palazzolo | | Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Clearwater, Idaho, Kootenai, Latah, Shoshone Counties in Idaho | Large Tracts Public Recreational Access | 10/28/2020 | 332 KB
| 10/28/2020 3:50 PM |
|  | F19AS00496 Fort Boise Wetland Restoration Interim FY20 | Fort Boise Wetland Restoration | Don Kemner | Don Kemner | Wetland Restoration | Fort Boise Wildlife Management Area, Canyon County, Idaho | Fort Boise Wetland Restoration | 10/28/2020 | 333 KB
| 10/28/2020 3:53 PM |
|  | 15-CS-11010400-029 Selkirk Cabinet-Yaak GB Recovery Final Report FY20 | Final Performance Report | Brian Johnson | Brian Johnson | Grizzly Bear | Panhandle National Forest | Selkirk Cabinet Yaak Grizzly Bear | 10/22/2020 | 267 KB
| 10/21/2020 12:59 PM |
|  | F18AF01187 B2B Climate Adaptation Final Report FY20 | Idaho Panhandle Bees to Bears Climate Adaptation Project Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Michael Lucid | Michael Lucid | Bees and Bears | Idaho Panhandle | Bees Bears climate adaptation | 10/22/2020 | 790 KB
| 10/21/2020 1:47 PM |
|  | F18AF01188 Selkirk Cabinet Yaak Ecosystem Final Report FY20 | Selkirk-Cabinet Yaak Ecosystem Traditional Section 6 | Barb Moore | Barb Moore | Ecosystem | Idaho, Boundry, Bonner Counties | Grizzly Bears & Caribou | 10/22/2020 | 302 KB
| 10/21/2020 2:51 PM |
|  | F18AF01191 NIDGS Annual Population Monitoring Final Report FY20 | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel Annual Population Monitoring Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Diane Evans Mack | Diane Evans Mack, Betsy Wagner | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel | Adam and Valley County | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel | 10/22/2020 | 302 KB
| 10/21/2020 2:57 PM |
|  | F18AF01192 NIDGS Daily Activity Patterns Final Report FY20 | NIDGS Daily Activity Patterns Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation | Diane Evans Mack | Diane Evans Mack, Courtney Conway, Austin Allison | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel | Adams County | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel | 10/22/2020 | 956 KB
| 10/21/2020 3:01 PM |
|  | Furbearer Statewide FY2019 | Furbearer Statewide FY2019 | Cory Mosby | Cory Mosby, Summer Crea, David Smith, Debbie Hribik | Furbearers | Statewide | Furbearers | 10/22/2020 | 5478 KB
| 10/21/2020 3:05 PM |
|  | Migratory Birds Statewide FY2018 | Migratory Birds Fall and Winter Surveys, Production, and Harvest | Jeffrey M. Knetter | Jeffrey M. Knetter, Wayne Wakkinen, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Davide Smith | Migratory Birds | Statewide | Migratory Birds winter and spring surveys 2017 - 2018 | 10/22/2020 | 2067 KB
| 10/21/2020 3:08 PM |
|  | Moose Statewide FY2019 | Moose Statewide Report | Hollie Miyasaki | Hollie Miyasaki, Micah Ellstrom, Kara Campbell, Clay Hickey, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Bret Stansberry, Erin Roche, Summer Crea, David Smith, Debbie Hribik | Moose | Statewide | Moose Statewide | 10/22/2020 | 4671 KB
| 10/21/2020 3:12 PM |
|  | Mountain Lion Statewide FY2019 | Mountain Lion Statewide FY2019 | Katie Oelrich | Micah Ellstrom, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Erin Roche, Summer Crea, David Smith, Debbie Hribik | Mountain Lion | Statewide | Mountain Lion | 10/22/2020 | 3601 KB
| 10/21/2020 3:26 PM |
|  | 2019 IDFG Yellow billed Cuckoo Report_Final | Yellow-Billed Cuckoo Habitat Use in Southern Idaho 2019 Annual Report | Stephanie Coates, Tempe Regan, Jay Carlisle | Stephanie Coates, Tempe Regan, Jay Carlisle | Yellow Billed Cuckoo | Southern Idaho | Yellow Billed Cucko Habitat | 10/21/2020 | 3566 KB
| 10/21/2020 12:43 PM |
|  | 2019 NIDGS Annual Report_fnl 012920 | Long-term Population Monitoring of Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel: 2019 Implementation and Populations Estmates | Betsy Wagner, Diane Evans Mack | Betsy Wagner, Diane Evans Mack | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel | Northern Idaho | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel | 10/21/2020 | 1577 KB
| 10/21/2020 1:07 PM |
|  | Black Bear Statewide Harvest Year 2018 | Black Bear Surveys and Inventories FY2018 | Katie Oelrich | Micah Ellstrom, Morgan Pfander, Rick Ward, Mike McDonald, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Erin Roche, Summer Crea, David Smith, Debbie Hribik | Black Bear | Statewide | Black Bear Statewide harvest | 10/21/2020 | 6374 KB
| 10/21/2020 1:12 PM |
|  | F16AF00909 Statewide Habitat Management Final Report FY20 | Statewide Habitat Management Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Educations 2016 - 2020 | Don Kemner | Don Kemner | Habitat | Statewide | Wildlife Restoration Habitat | 10/21/2020 | 2719 KB
| 10/21/2020 1:43 PM |
|  | SageGrouse_2020TriggersAnalysis_Final | 2020 Sage grouse Population Triggers Analysis | Ann Moser | | Sage-grouse | Idaho | Sage-grouse, triggers analysis | 9/23/2020 | 1099 KB
| 1/13/2022 10:20 AM |
|  | Upland Game Statewide FY2019 | Upland Game Statewide SFY2019 | Jeffrey M. Knetter | Micah Ellstrom, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Michelle Comons-Kemner, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Dennis Newman, David Smith | Upland Game | Statewide | Upland Game Statewide | 9/1/2020 | 6220 KB
| 1/12/2022 10:06 AM |
|  | Statewide Wolf Report 2019_Final | Statewide Wolf Report FY2019 | Katie Oelrich | Katie Oelrich | Wolf | Statewide | Surveys and Inventories | 7/1/2020 | 1768 KB
| 1/12/2022 10:04 AM |
|  | White-Tailed Deer Statewide FY2020 | White-Tailed Deer Statewide FY2020 | Rick Ward | Micah Ellstrom, Clay Hickey, Regan Berkley, Ryan Walrath, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Dennis Newman, Mike Elmer, David Smith | White tailed Deer | Statewide | Surveys and Inventories | 7/1/2020 | 9052 KB
| 1/12/2022 10:08 AM |
|  | Elk Statewide FY2020 | Statewide Report | Rick Ward | Micah Ellstrom, Clay Hickey, Ryan Walrath, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Dennis Newman, Erin Roche, David Smith | Elk | Statewide | Elk Statewide | 6/30/2020 | 15516 KB
| 1/12/2022 8:32 AM |
|  | Pronghorn Statewide FY2019 | Surveys and Inventories FY2019 Statewide Report Pronghorns | Hollie Miyasaki | Rick Ward, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Mike Elmer, David Smith | Pronghorn | Statewide | Surveys and Inventories | 12/10/2019 | 2659 KB
| 1/12/2022 10:01 AM |
|  | PEREGRINE REPORT 2015 | Idaho Peregrine Falcon Survey and Nest Monitoring | Colleen Moulton, Tempe Regan | Colleen Moulton, Tempe Regan | Peregrine Falcon | Statewide | Peregrine Falcon | 10/29/2019 | 847 KB
| 10/29/2019 4:39 PM |
|  | PEREGRINE REPORT 2018 | Idaho Peregrine Falcon Survey and Nest Monitoring | Colleen Moulton, Tempe Regan | Colleen Moulton, Tempe Regan | Peregrine Falcon | Statewide | Peregrine Falcon | 10/29/2019 | 807 KB
| 10/29/2019 4:42 PM |
|  | F16AF00747 Wildlife Health Program Final FY19 | Wildlife Health Laboratory Final Performance Report | Toby Boudreau | Stacey Dauwalter, Mark Drew, Tricia Hosch-Hebdon, Jennifer Struthers, Caitlyn Bennett, Rose Chism, Rosalie Bauer | | Statewide | Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Final Performance Report | 10/18/2019 | 383 KB
| 10/17/2019 12:11 PM |
|  | F16AF00885 MK Nature Center Interim FY19 | MK Nature Center Interim Performance Report | Victoria Runnoe | | | MK Nature Center | MK Nature Center | 10/18/2019 | 368 KB
| 10/17/2019 12:11 PM |
|  | F16AF00887 Statewide HE Enhanced Final FY19 | Statewide Hunter Education, Enhanced Final Performance Report | Brenda Beckley | | | Statewide | Statewide Hunter Education, Enhanced | 10/18/2019 | 303 KB
| 10/17/2019 12:11 PM |
|  | F16AF00909 Statewide Habitat Management FY19 | Statewide Wildlife Habitat Management Wildlife Restoration Interim Report | Frank Edelmann and Don Kemner | Norm Merz, Don Jenkins, Brad Lowe, Mark Fleming, Anna Owsiak, Rob Cavallaro, Jesse Shallow, David Smith | Habitat | Statewide | Habitat Management | 10/18/2019 | 2293 KB
| 10/17/2019 12:11 PM |
|  | F17AF00802 Statewide HE Shooting Ranges Interim FY19 | Statewide Hunter Education Shooting Ranges Interim Performance Report | Brenda Beckley | | | Statewide | Hunter Education Shooting Ranges | 10/18/2019 | 329 KB
| 10/17/2019 12:11 PM |
|  | ID F16AF00886 Statewide HE Basic Final FY19 | Statewide Hunter Education Basic Final Performance Report | Brenda Beckley | | | Statewide | Hunter Education Basic final performance report | 10/18/2019 | 303 KB
| 10/17/2019 12:11 PM |
|  | ID F16AF00908 Statewide Wildlife Research Final FY19 | Statewide Wildlife Research Final Performance Report | Mark Hurley and Shane Roberts | Mark Hurley and Shane Roberts | Wildlife Research | Statewide | Wildlife Research | 10/18/2019 | 5523 KB
| 10/17/2019 12:11 PM |
|  | Upland Game Statewide FY2017 | Upland Game Surveys and Inventories SFYFY2017 Statewide Report | Jeffrey M Knetter | Wayne Wakkinen, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Michelle Commons-Kemner, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Paul Atwood, Greg Painter, David Smith | Upland Game | Statewide | Upland Game | 10/18/2019 | 5614 KB
| 10/17/2019 12:11 PM |
|  | Elk Statewide FY2019 | Elk Surveys and Inventories Statewide Report Fall 2019 Season | Daryl Meints | Micah Ellstrom, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Erin Roche, Mike Elmer, David Smith | Elk | Statewide | Elk Statewide 2019 | 10/18/2019 | 17326 KB
| 10/18/2019 9:29 AM |
|  | F16AF00888 Statewide Surveys and Inventory Amd 5 Interim FY19 | Interim Performance Report Statewide Surveys and Inventory | Jon Rachael | Micah Ellstrom, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Erin Roche, Mike Elmer, David Smith | | Statewide | Statewide Surveys and Inventory July 1 2016 to June 30 2019 | 10/18/2019 | 550 KB
| 10/18/2019 9:54 AM |
|  | Mule Deer Statewide FY2019 | Surveys and Inventories Statewide Report Mule Deer FY2019 | Daryl Meints | Micah Ellstrom, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Erin Roche, Mike Elmer, David Smith | Mule Deer | Statewide | Mule Deer Statewide FY2019 | 10/17/2019 | 9357 KB
| 10/17/2019 12:06 PM |
|  | White-Tailed Deer Statewide FY2019 | White-Tailed Deer Surveys and Inventories Statewide report 2018 seasons | Daryl Meints | Micah Ellstrom, Clay Hickey, Regan Berkley, Rick Ward, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Mike Elmer, David Smith | White-Tailed Deer | Statewide | White-Tailed Deer 2018 Seasons | 10/17/2019 | 13047 KB
| 10/17/2019 12:06 PM |
|  | F15AF00001 Evaluation of Camera Based Occupancy Modeling Final 2019 | Evlaution of Camera Based Occupancy Modeling for Estimating ungulate Abundance Final Report | Shane Roberts | | | Statewide | Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Annual Performance Report | 10/17/2019 | 607 KB
| 10/17/2019 12:11 PM |
|  | SageGrouse_2019TriggersAnalysis_Final | 2019 Sage grouse Population Triggers Analysis | Ann Moser | | Sage-grouse | Idaho | Sage-grouse, triggers analysis | 8/30/2019 | 1058 KB
| 1/13/2022 10:22 AM |
|  | Bighorn Sheep Statewide FY2018 | Bighorn Sheep Statewide Report FY2018 | Hollie Miyasaki | Wayne Wakkinen, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Summer Crea, David Smith | California and Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep | Statewide | bighorn, sheep | 4/30/2019 | 11962 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:12 AM |
|  | Black Bear Statewide Harvest Year 2017 | Black Bear Statewide Report, Harvest year 2017 | Jim Hayden | Wayne Wakkinen, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Summer Crea, David Smith | Black Bear | Idaho Statewide | Bear, Black Bear | 4/30/2019 | 8272 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:16 AM |
|  | Elk Statewide FY2018 | Elk Statewide Report FY2018 | Daryl Meints | Wayne Wakkinen, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Summer Crea, David Smith | Elk | Idaho Statewide | Elk | 4/30/2019 | 18177 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:18 AM |
|  | Furbearer Statewide FY2018 | Furbearer Statewide Report FY2018 | Cory Mosby | Summer Crea, David Smith, and Debbie Hribik | Badger, Beaver, Bobcat, Coyote, Marten, Mink, Muskrat, Raccoon, Red Fox, River Otter | Idaho Statewide | furbearer, Badger, Beaver, Bobcat, Coyote, Marten, Mink, Muskrat, Raccoon, Red Fox, River Otter | 4/30/2019 | 5987 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:21 AM |
|  | Migratory Birds Statewide FY2017 | Migratory Birds Statewide Report FY2017 | Jeff Knetter | Wayne Wakkinen, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Summer Crea, David Smith | Ducks, Geese, Sandhill Crane, Trumpeter Swan, Tundra Swan, American Coot, Common Snipe, Mourning Dove | Idaho Statewide | Ducks, Geese, Sandhill Crane, Trumpeter Swan, Tundra Swan, American Coot, Common Snipe, Mourning Dove | 4/30/2019 | 2478 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:24 AM |
|  | Moose Statewide FY2018 | Moose Statewide Report FY2018 | Hollie Miyasaki | Wayne Wakkinen, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Summer Crea, David Smith | Moose | Idaho Statewide | Moose | 4/30/2019 | 4708 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:26 AM |
|  | Mountain Lion Statewide FY2018 | Mountain Lion Statewide Report FY2018 | Jim Hayden | Wayne Wakkinen, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Summer Crea, David Smith | Mountain Lion | Idaho Statewide | Mountain Lion | 4/30/2019 | 3615 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:27 AM |
|  | Mtn Goat Statewide FY2018 | Mountain Goat Statewide Report FY2018 | Hollie Miyasaki | Wayne Wakkinen, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Summer Crea, David Smith | Mountain Goat | Idaho Statewide | Mountain Goat | 4/30/2019 | 1375 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:30 AM |
|  | Mule Deer Statewide FY2018 | Mule Deer Statewide Report FY2018 | Daryl Meints | Wayne Wakkinen, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Summer Crea, David Smith | Mule Deer | Idaho Statewide | Mule Deer | 4/30/2019 | 9305 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:31 AM |
|  | Pronghorn Statewide FY2018 | Pronghorn Statewide Report FY2018 | Hollie Miyasaki | Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Erin Roche, David Smith | Pronghorn Antelope | Idaho Statewide | Antelope, Pronghorn | 4/30/2019 | 2728 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:33 AM |
|  | Statewide Habitat Management FY2018 | Statewide Habitat Management Report FY2018 | Don Kemner | Martha Wackenhut, Dave Leptich, Don Jenkins, Brad Lowe, Anna Owsiak, Rob Cavallaro, Jesse Shallow, David Smith | | Idaho Statewide | | 4/30/2019 | 2189 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:35 AM |
|  | White-Tailed Deer Statewide FY2018 | White-Tailed Deer Statewide Report FY2018 | Daryl Meints | Wayne Wakkinen, Clay Hickey, Rick Ward, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Greg Painter, Summer Crea, David Smith | White-tailed Deer | Idaho Statewide | Deer, White-tailed | 4/30/2019 | 12988 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:37 AM |
|  | Migratory Birds Statewide FY2019 | Migratory Birds Fall and Winter Surveys, Production, and Harvest | Jeffrey M. Knetter | Micah Ellstrom, Clay Hickey, Ryan Walrath, Regan Berkley, Mike McDonald, Zach Lockyer, Curtis Hendricks, Dennis Newman, David Smith | Migratory Birds | Statewide | Summer Banding Fall and Winter Surveys, Production and Harvest | 3/1/2019 | 1927 KB
| 1/12/2022 8:36 AM |
|  | 2018 IDFG Yellow billed Cuckoo Report | YBCU Habitat Use in Southern Idaho 2018 Annual Report | Colleen Moulton | Colleen Moulton, Tempe Regan, and Jay Carlisle | Yellow-billed Cuckoo | Idaho | | 1/15/2019 | 3419 KB
| 5/30/2019 11:09 AM |
|  | F17AF00770 ID SWAP Implementation Final FY18 | State Wildlife Action Plan Implementation | Rita Dixon | Rita Dixon, Michael Lucid, Joel Sauder, Bill Bosworth, Diane Evans Mack, Ross Winton, Becky Abel, Matt Proett, Beth Waterbury, David Smith | Species of Greatest Conservation Need | Idaho | | 10/3/2018 | 12065 KB
| 10/3/2018 3:15 PM |
|  | F15AF00960 Columbia Spotted Frog Conservation Final 2018 | Columbia Spotted Frog Conservation | Bill Bosworth | Bill Bosworth | Columbia Spotted Frog | Owyhee County, ID | | 9/28/2018 | 197 KB
| 10/3/2018 2:52 PM |
|  | F15AF00964 Southern Idaho Ground Squirrel Conservation Final 2018 | Southern Idaho Ground Squirrel | Bill Bosworth | Bill Bosworth | Southern Idaho Ground Squirrel | Payette, Gem, and Washington counties, ID | | 9/28/2018 | 193 KB
| 10/3/2018 2:55 PM |
|  | F16AF01105 Milkweed Monarch Modeling Final FY18 | Milkweed and Monarch Modeling | Leona Svancara | Leona Svancara | Monarch Butterfly | Idaho | | 9/28/2018 | 233 KB
| 10/3/2018 3:10 PM |
|  | F17AF01082 Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel Final 2018 | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel Population Monitoring | Diane Evans Mack | Diane Evans Mack | Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel Population Monitoring | Valley and Adams counties, ID | | 9/28/2018 | 279 KB
| 10/3/2018 3:22 PM |
|  | ID F16AF00908 Statewide Wildlife Research Report FY18 | Statewide Wildlife Research | Mark Hurley | Mark Hurley, Shane Roberts | Big Game and Grouse | Idaho | | 9/28/2018 | 387 KB
| 10/3/2018 3:35 PM |
|  | F16AF00747 WL Health Program Interim FY18 | Wildlife Health Laboratory | Toby Boudreau | Toby Boudreau, Mark Drew, DVM, Tricia Hosch-Hebdon, Stacy Dauwalter, Jennifer Struthers | Big Game | Idaho | | 9/24/2018 | 249 KB
| 10/3/2018 3:00 PM |
|  | F16AF00885 MK Nature Center Interim FY18 | MK Nature Center | Victoria Runnoe | Victoria Runnoe | All Species | Boise, ID | | 9/24/2018 | 204 KB
| 10/3/2018 3:02 PM |